Friday, May 9, 2008

Not my tax dollars!

I completely agree with my classmate’s blog about financial aid for sex offenders, in that I, too, would rather fund a drug addict’s education than a sex offender’s. I think that it is outrageous that these people are getting things from the government when they have already proven that they are a threat to other citizens. I find the very idea to be disgusting.

While I do agree that this could potentially cause some injustice with sex offenders charged with statutory rape of a technically consenting underage teenager, what they have done is still illegal in the eyes of the government and many of these people are still predators.

I volunteer with a rape and domestic violence crisis center. There are many barriers to proving and convicting a person of a sex crime in the United States, and in fact, most predators get off scott free. It is terrible to think that those who have committed a crime vicious enough to have actually been convicted are somehow given a leg up by the society that they have harmed.

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