I would first like to say that I do not like Ann Coulter. I generally consider her pointed rudeness to lack class, such as in the title of her books like How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must,) Godless: The Church of Liberalism, etc.
However, for this assignment I decided to read her blog. I had never read it before, and I will admit that it made me laugh out loud on several occasions. Frankly, my amusement may have been in part derived from my relative dislike for this woman.
On her blog, Ms. Coulter writes about how the nomination of McCain is practically blasphemy to the Republican party. She believes that, “nominating McCain is the gesture of a desperate party,” and the majority of her post is ranting about the many times the McCain has made liberal decisions during his political career.
She often attempts to inspire irony in her writing, but because I am mostly liberal, these instances tended to just be amusing to me, like this line in particular: “The only site that would have been more appropriate for Schwarzenegger in endorsing McCain would have been in front of an abortion clinic.”
I would definitely suggest Ms. Coulter’s blog for a good laugh.